Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Roku Digital Video Player | How the Roku Player Works – Wired / Wireless

Roku Digital Video Player | How the Roku Player Works – Wired / Wireless

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HealthCare Comes Before Recess.. Deserved!

This is no time for political scare tactics from the opposition lobbies. There is a very serious need to get the health care problem settled as soon as possible as it undermines our whole Country.

The GOP will pull out all stops to keep this from happening and we have to support our new President elect and get the job done.

With 46 million Americans lacking health insurance, and with the high price of medical care, we are putting these people out on the streets, creating homeless people from good well meaning, hard working people.

We have just witnessed what fiscal irresponsibility can do to put this great nation on the brink of disaster. I remember the campaign promise of less taxes for more votes.
Our Country depends on taxes to keep it running strong. There has to be a fine balance between taxes and what we use them for. We cannot afford to make war with words, it takes hard earned taxes.

This is certainly not the way our forefathers pictured the way our citizens were to be treated. While President Clinton gave up some popularity to raise taxes on the richest of the rich he was able to present a balanced budget and a promised repayment of the tax draining national debt. He had it right and President Bush thought he had a better idea, well now we know, the transfusions may or may not keep us from failing.

Remember it is the people who make this country wonderful, it is bad policies brought about by companies who will spend the farm and hire lobbyists to keep it from happening, to further fill their own pockets.

Please reach out to your Representatives and policy makers and let them know how you feel. That our children deserve every possible bit of help in developing into the new leaders and workers of America.